TRX Bandwidth & Energy Explained – How to get Free Transactions

Q. What do you freeze first?


Every 24hr, TRON network allocates 5,000 Bandwidth points to each account, FREE. This allows the account owner to make transactions without paying additional fee’s. However, the FREE daily Bandwidth only supports about 12 transactions per day. If an account doesn’t possess enough Bandwidth, there are two alternatives to proceed with transactions.

The first solution is, freeze your TRX. By freezing TRX, the account receives Bandwidth Point/Energy in return, enabling account owner to execute more transactions. Another way to send transaction without having Bandwidth Point is to spend up to 50 TRX as gas fee from your account.


This is the first thing you should freeze:

Energy is used heavily by smart contracts. Energy is one of TRON’s special features. It can only be obtained through freezing TRXs similar to Bandwidth. This resource has its specific usage – creating and operating smart contracts. Energy is TRON Network’s CPU resource consumption when users are building and operating smart contracts.

Once you freeze some Energy, it will renew everyday. If you don’t freeze energy, you will be losing TRON on every transaction.

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Author: admin

I am a 30 year veteran in network marketing. I have been marketing and training online for almost 20 years. My personal goal is to teach and help as many people online reach their goals of Financial & Time Freedom