Getting Started

STEP 1: How To Get Started: 

You will need to Purchase a Minimum of 300 USDT to get started!

We recommend purchasing TRON (TRX) and then convert to USDT as it is the cheapest! 

PayBis, Klever Wallet and Trust Wallet are good options.

Directions to Sign Up:

Contact person who shared this with you for a referral link to register!

Create Username: PLEASE Use all SMALL letters 8-10 letters/numbers 

Create Password: use a secure password 8-10 characters 

Email: IMPORTANT TO USE A GMAIL (open your Gmail account so you are ready to receive verification code) 

Hit ‘obtain’: Get verification code—Use verification code sent to your email (Might go to spam)—enter code (only have 1 minute to enter)

Transaction password: IMPORTANT to use a SIX digit NUMBER you will remember.

STEP 2: Do Your Due Diligence, CLICK HERE

STEP 3: How Hyperfund Works, CLICK HERE

STEP 4: Rewards Calculator: take your rewards into hyperdrive! CLICK HERE