New farming pool for TRONCHAIN will launch within the next 36 hours

9000 UME added to pool
Activate farming contract through TRONCHAIN marketing, accumulate TRX volume on your front line to activate farming, minimum 5000 TRX
Farming pool will run until January 13th
From start until end, all volume you bring to TRONCHAIN will accumulate
Farming speed will have several levels
Activate farming at 5000 trx
New farming speed with 25k trx volume
New farming speed with 50k trx volume
New farming speed with 100k trx volume
New farming speed with 250k trx volume
New farming speed with 1 million TRX volume
The higher farming speed the more UME you will accumulate from the 9000 available, build tronchain and you will receive free UME
You can use this UME to farm EFT after the 13th, the UME rewards you have farmed through TRONCHAIN from the new pool can be claimed on the 13th
To all the first farming in TRONCHAIN was given to all community members as a reward, this second farming is given as a reward to all those who are building the community of TRONCHAIN

Author: admin

I am a 30 year veteran in network marketing. I have been marketing and training online for almost 20 years. My personal goal is to teach and help as many people online reach their goals of Financial & Time Freedom